There is generally no point in having code coverage for Behat test cases because of their nature: The purpose of an acceptance test is to assert a certain behavior of an application, not to technically test a piece of code. Therefore, there is no point in checking for uncovered code pieces in order to write a Behat test for it.That said, there is still a scenario where you want to peek at code coverage of Behat tests: When creating them as wide-coverage tests before starting to refactor legacy code. Behat in combination with Mink provides you with a great tool for such tests.
Read more on Code Coverage with Behat…Congratulations to James Mallison (@J7mbo) and Daniel Fahlke (@Flyingmana) for winning the tickets for PHP Unconference Europe!
Read more on And the Winners are ……PHP Unconference Europe is an amazing PHP community meet-up. We would love to help you experience this event and therefore raffle 2 x 1 ticket (viable for non-german as well as german participants).
Read more on Win a Ticket for PHP Unconf EU…The use of Mock and Stub Objects is an important skill to learn when using Test Driven Development (TDD). Mock objects allow you to replace dependencies of an object with lookalikes, much like crash test dummies are used during automobile safety tests so humans aren't harmed.
Read more on Mocking with Phake…While unit, integration and system tests - especially the methodology of Test Driven Development (TDD) - are great ways to push the technical correctness of an application forward, they miss out one important aspect: the customer. None of these methods verify that developers actually implement what the customer desires. Behavior Driven Development (BDD) can help to bridge this gap.
Read more on Behavior Driven Development…Kore and me are currently attending Confoo in Montreal (Canada), one of the largest and a really awesome conference on web technologies. With our talks, we shared some of the Qafoo knowledge on Building Testable PHP Applications, Continuous Performance Testing, Understand and use software metrics and Designing Beautiful APIs. Find our slides for download here.
Read more on Confoo: Testing, Performance, Metrics and APIs…In almost any kind of sports you hone your skills by repeating a small piece of practice over and over again. Pretty much the same works for learning to play a musical instrument. The idea of Code Katas applies this simple, but for many aspects effective, method of exercise to the world of programming.
Read more on Coding in Katas…By the end of the month, Web Techno Conference will take place again in in Montreal Canada. Qafoo experts are part of this outstanding experience for several years and will be again from February 25th to March 1st 2013. This year, Kore and Toby will be on-site to share a bit of Qafoo experience with you on the following topics.
Read more on Speaking at 2013 in Montreal…PHPBenelux was, as usual, the first conference of the year and, also as usual, it was a really great conference. As a 3rd "usual" thing, I did a tutorial and a talk there: On how to write Testable Code and to Make Your Project SOLID by applying these 5 fundamental principles of object oriented design to your code.
Read more on Testable Code and SOLID at PHPBNL…Qafoo is happy to announce the JavaScript event taking place in the city of Munich. In cooperation with Entwickler Magazin and Entwickler Akadmie we are offering three days of pure JavaScript knowledge from well known experts. (German content)
Read more on JavaScript Days 2013 starten vom 6. - 8. März in München…