Incited by a tweet regarding JavaScripts arguments
-object, I decided to detail this object in this blog post. A lot of people are somewhat confused about the inner workings of JavaScript engines in general. Every now and then most JavaScript developers can't explain why certain things happen and others don't. One of those mysteries fueling the confusion is the arguments
-object. This post will help to solve this mystery once and for all.
During my talk at IPC Spring I showed an approach for embedding entities in REST responses. This methodology might be useful if the standard use-case for your API is to request multiple related entities together. The downside of such an approach is the raised complexity of caching and especially purging logic. In this blog post I will further elaborate on the approach of resource embedding.
Read more on Embedding REST Entities…At this years IPC Spring I gave two sessions about different JavaScript-Topics. Eventhough most of us are PHP-Developers at their heart, in todays world JavaScript has become an integral component of most webapplications. That's why I give a lot of trainings about JavaScript these days. Take your chance to peek at the two sessions I just presented.
Read more on Dependency Management / Mocks, Stubs and Spies with JavaScript…On the train back I'm just uploading the slides of my talks at the International PHP Conference in Berlin, which ended some minutes ago. In my first talk I captured my experience with designing RESTful web services, summarizing pitfalls and low hanging fruits under the topic "Pragmatic REST". The second talk dealt with Behavior Driven Development on basis of Behat. Find the slides for download here.
Read more on Pragmatic REST & BDD at IPC…Wir gratulieren Marcus Krause (@t3sec): " , weil mir Qualität wichtig ist /CC @qafoo" und Claudia (@fischchen): " , weil mich Symfony jeden Tag neu begeistert /CC @qafoo" zum Gewinn von jeweils einer Tageskarte für das SymfonySummit 2013 in Köln oder Hamburg! Natürlich konnten nicht alle Teilnehmer gewinnen. Wir würden uns dennoch freuen, Euch in Köln oder Hamburg zum SymfonySummit begrüßen zu dürfen! Noch bis zum 6. Juni habt Ihr die Möglichkeit, ein Ticket für die Veranstaltung in Köln zum vergünstigten Early-Bird-Tarif zu ergattern.
Read more on Gewonnen: Tickets für das SymfonySummit…Symfony2 findet immer mehr Verbreitung in der deutschen PHP-Community. Mit dem SymfonySummit bieten Qafoo und SensioLabs Deutschland ein gemeinsames Trainingsevent an, das Entwickler fit macht für die Entwicklung hochqualitativer Web-Anwendungen auf Basis von Symfony2.
Read more on Gewinn ein Ticket für den SymfonySummit…Last Wednesday I did a little talk marathon by first presenting a Webinar on Behavior Driven Development with Behat and afterwards going straight to Cologne for the Symfony Usergroup, where I spoke about Designing Beautiful APIs. Find the slides of my talks here.
Read more on Slides: Behat & Beautiful APIs…Qafoo is happy to announce the SymfonySummit event organized in cooperation with SensioLabs Germany. The event will take place in Cologne and Hamburg and will feature workshops on Symfony, Doctrine and quality assurance. (German content)
Read more on SymfonySummit in Köln und Hamburg…I've already written two blog posts here about Behat: Behavior Driven Development and Code Coverage with Behat. If that made you curious or you wanted to learn about Behat anyway, I can highly recommend to join the free webinar on Behavior Driven Development with Behat I'll be giving on May 8th 2013 on behalf of Qafoo in cooperation with Zend.
Read more on Webinar: Behavior Driven Development with Behat…Without continuous refactoring, code maintainability and extensibility will start to decrease fast, even if it has tests. Until now, only IDEs contained functionality to perform automated refactorings. And then even only PHPStorm contains the most important refactorings such as "extract method". Today we release the PHP Refactoring Browser, a refactoring tool written completely in PHP.
Read more on PHP Refactoring Browser Alpha Release…