Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Tobias Schlitt :Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 06:35:17 +0100 :Revision: 2 :Copyright: All rights reserved ============================== Continuous Performance Testing ============================== :Keywords: performance test, stress test, smoke test, jmeter, web application, complex scenarios, presentation, ResearchGate Developer Day :Description: How to verify that your application still performs well, even for complex user interactions? There is a world beside Apache Bench and Siege: JMeter can be used … How to verify that your application still performs well, even for complex user interactions? There is a world beside Apache Bench and Siege: JMeter can be used to simulate user interaction, test complex cluster setups and even integrates into Continuous Integration environments. We will show how JMeter can be used to continuously verify the performance of your web application. Watch online ------------ .. image:: /images/talks/13_11_rg_continuous_performance/slide_0.png#44 :class: slides `Download PDF`__ __ /talks/13_11_rg_continuous_performance.pdf Get us on-site -------------- Performance is not only crucial if your UI should be blazingly fast, but also if you plan to scale your user base, for example by TV commercials. Qafoo experts can help you to `assess web application performance`__, find the bottle necks and support you with eliminating their roots. __ /services/consulting.html