Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Tobias Schlitt :Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 06:35:17 +0100 :Revision: 2 :Copyright: All rights reserved ============= Testable Code ============= :Keywords: phpunit, testable code, double feedback testcycle, mocking, protected methods, object oriented design, php, presentation, PHP Usergroup Düssldorf - Oktober :Description: Writing testable code is one of the most desirable things since the age of GOTO. It's not only the basis for sensible testing, but also leads to more … Writing testable code is one of the most desirable things since the age of GOTO. It's not only the basis for sensible testing, but also leads to more maintainable, extensible, re-usable and stable code. This session will introduce you to the principles and approaches for writing testable and will show what you gain from it. Watch online ------------ .. image:: /images/talks/13_10_phpugdus_testable_code/slide_0.png#58 :class: slides `Download PDF`__ __ /talks/13_10_phpugdus_testable_code.pdf Get us on-site -------------- Automated testing is a complex to learn topic. But once you have it in place for everyday work, it gains your team a tremendous boost in productivity, code quality and customer satisfaction. Qafoo experts can safeguard and speed up your way to this destination with an indiviual `training on automated testing`__. __ /services/training/topics/topics.html