Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Tobias Schlitt :Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 06:35:17 +0100 :Revision: 2 :Copyright: All rights reserved ============================ Mink, PHPUnit and PageObject ============================ :Keywords: phpunit, acceptance test, functional test, mink, browser controller, browser emulator, pageobject, php, presentation, PHP Unconference :Description: This session on the PHP Unconference showed how you can use the browser-simulation/control library Mink from PHPUnit instead of Behat. It explains the general … This session on the PHP Unconference showed how you can use the browser-simulation/control library Mink from PHPUnit instead of Behat. It explains the general API and then goes on to introduce the PageObject pattern, which allows Watch online ------------ .. image:: /images/talks/13_09_phpuc_phpunit_mink/slide_0.png#15 :class: slides `Download PDF`__ __ /talks/13_09_phpuc_phpunit_mink.pdf Get us on-site -------------- Automated testing is a complex to learn topic. But once you have it in place for everyday work, it gains your team a tremendous boost in productivity, code quality and customer satisfaction. Qafoo experts can safeguard and speed up your way to this destination with an indiviual `training on automated testing`__. __ /services/training/topics/topics.html