Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Tobias Schlitt :Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 16:45:34 +0200 :Revision: 1 :Copyright: All rights reserved ================= When to Abstract? ================= :Keywords: abstraction, software design, refactoring, optimize for change, php, programming, coaching :Description: When should we introduce an abstraction in our project? What is the right abstraction for this business rule? Do not optimize your code to get it right from the start, better optimize for changeability! One of the most difficult challenges in a developers life is finding the "right" abstraction, or at least the best one given the current circumstances. The core problem is that abstraction is a bet on the future development of the software and we know that future is volatile. I will dicuss different environments of software development and we find a base for you to decide when and what to abstract. Watch online ------------ .. image:: /images/talks/17_05_international_php_conference_spring_edition_when_to_abstract/slide_0.png#22 :class: slides `Download PDF`__ __ /talks/17_05_international_php_conference_spring_edition_when_to_abstract.pdf Get us on-site -------------- Getting into regular refactoring is challenging, especially in legacy projects. Get Qafoo to `coach your team for refactoring`__ for a boost! __