Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Tobias Schlitt :Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 12:30:25 +0200 :Revision: 1 :Copyright: All rights reserved ============== Monolith First ============== :Keywords: micro services, monolith software, service architecture, infrastructure, technology, deployment, provisioning, consistency, resilience :Description: Micro services are the hot stuff, but do they really solve your problem? We analyze the effort and cost of a micro service infrastructure for your teams. In addition we show how to sanely create a monolithic architecture first and migrate to micro services afterwards. Microservices architectures are all the hype at the moment we have seen a lot of green-field projects starting with a Docker-based microservices setup from the start, causing unnecessary complexity and slowdowns for the dev team. In this talk we want to argue against the current Zeitgeist and convince you that starting with a Monolith first is always the better choice. We will discuss benefits and downsides of Monolith vs Microservice systems, how to migrate from one to the other when the need arises and throw in some real-life experiences we had over the years. Watch online ------------ .. image:: /images/talks/17_05_international_php_conference_spring_edition_monolith_first/slide_0.png#36 :class: slides `Download PDF`__ __ /talks/17_05_international_php_conference_spring_edition_monolith_first.pdf Get us on-site -------------- Building a sensible monolith first to be able to refactor into a micro service architecture later requires some skills. Boost your team with a `Qafoo workshop on refactoring`__ and other skills to avoid pitfalls. __ /services/workshops/refactoring.html