Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Tobias Schlitt :Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 16:49:56 +0200 :Revision: 1 :Copyright: All rights reserved ===================================== Behave! - Behavior Driven Development ===================================== :Keywords: behat, php, bdd, behavior driven development, mink, acceptance test :Description: Who takes care that your code actually does what your business owner wants it to do? This session gives you an introduction into Behavior Driven Development on basis of Behat to help you achieve automated testing of specifications. Unit tests give you a good base to ensure your classes are working technically correct. Integration tests show that they play well with each other. But who takes care that your code actually does what your business owner wants it to do? This session gives you an introduction into Behavior Driven Development on basis of Behat to help you achieve automated testing of specifications. Watch online ------------ .. image:: /images/talks/14_06_dutch_php_conference_behave_behavior_driven_development/slide_0.png#28 :class: slides `Download PDF`__ __ /talks/14_06_dutch_php_conference_behave_behavior_driven_development.pdf Get us on-site -------------- Getting started with BDD is not easy, but can pay off fast. Avoid common pitfalls and bootstrap your team fast by getting us on-site for mentoring__. __ /services.html