Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: www-data :Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2018 10:07:55 +0100 :Copyright: All rights reserved ============================== Continuous & Automated Testing ============================== - Using Mink in PHPUnit Another day for a short PHPUnit trick. If you want to use PHPunit to control a browser for functional or acceptence tests, then you can easily do this using the Mink library. Mink is well known from the Behat community to facilitate Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD), but it is a standalone library that can be used with PHPUnit just as easily. - Testing Effects of Commands With Phake::capture() Today I want to share a simple trick for the excellent Mocking library Phake (I wrote about it before) when testing state on APIs that don't return values. - Analyze the Quality Of Your PHP Code In code reviews we often browse metrics, source code and reported code issues together with our customers. This leads to discussions about the current state of the code and possible improvements. First we used a bunch of shells scripts for that. In a second step we developed a simple PHP (Open Source) application helping us to do the job. Now we did the third step and rewrote that application into a React based client side (Open Source) application. Read on for the reasons and benefits… - Testing Micro Services I recently had a short exchange with Ole Michaelis on Twitter about how to end-to-end test micro services. Since I didn't have time to make my whole case, Ole suggested that I blog about this, which I'm happily doing now. - Fixing Legacy Code Working on a green-field project where you can start from scratch and avoid all the annoyances you experienced in earlier projects is fun. However, most developers cannot enjoy this pleasure but work with legacy code 99% of their time. Even harder, many green-field projects turn into legacy within months or even weeks. - Finding the right Test-Mix The topic of Test Driven Development (TDD) and unit-testing usually creates heated discussions among developers. We at Qafoo are not an exception and the topic how to apply TDD in our daily work regularly leads to heated discussions. One reason for this is that both TDD and unit-testing combined are by some people seen dogmatically as the only way to do software development. - Testing: Find the Sweet Spot How we need to craft architecture and design in order to significantly reduce the cost for tests. How to escape from the trap of the inner-platform antipattern, where we need to provide all infrastructure and business models with an ugly, mocked twin. Simply: How to efficiently write tests? And how to avoid that everyone hates them within 10 months, so that they would rather deactivate them instead of fixing them. - Webinar: Behavior Driven Development with Behat I've already written two blog posts here about Behat: Behavior Driven Development and Code Coverage with Behat. If that made you curious or you wanted to learn about Behat anyway, I can highly recommend to join the free webinar on Behavior Driven Development with Behat I'll be giving on May 8th 2013 on behalf of Qafoo in cooperation with Zend. - Code Coverage with Behat There is generally no point in having code coverage for Behat test cases because of their nature: The purpose of an acceptance test is to assert a certain behavior of an application, not to technically test a piece of code. Therefore, there is no point in checking for uncovered code pieces in order to write a Behat test for it.That said, there is still a scenario where you want to peek at code coverage of Behat tests: When creating them as wide-coverage tests before starting to refactor legacy code. Behat in combination with Mink provides you with a great tool for such tests. - Mocking with Phake The use of Mock and Stub Objects is an important skill to learn when using Test Driven Development (TDD). Mock objects allow you to replace dependencies of an object with lookalikes, much like crash test dummies are used during automobile safety tests so humans aren't harmed.