Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: www-data :Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2018 10:07:55 +0100 :Copyright: All rights reserved =============== Qafoo Team Blog =============== - Shopware Academy: Functional Testing Implementing a strategy for automatic testing inside a pre-existing shop-system such as Shopware requires knowledge of the internals and a tailored approach. This post discusses approaches for Shopware and a workshop that Manuel is presenting at Shopware Academy. - PHP Summit vom 2. - 4. Dezember in Berlin Qafoo is organizing two workshops at the PHP Summit, a three day training event taking place in Berlin in December 2013. (German content) - ContainerAware Considered Harmful A while ago I tweetedContainerAware is the new Singleton.While many people agreed by retweeting and faving. I feel the need to elaborate some more on this statement and safe the explaination for the future. - Fixing Legacy Code Working on a green-field project where you can start from scratch and avoid all the annoyances you experienced in earlier projects is fun. However, most developers cannot enjoy this pleasure but work with legacy code 99% of their time. Even harder, many green-field projects turn into legacy within months or even weeks. - Finding the right Test-Mix The topic of Test Driven Development (TDD) and unit-testing usually creates heated discussions among developers. We at Qafoo are not an exception and the topic how to apply TDD in our daily work regularly leads to heated discussions. One reason for this is that both TDD and unit-testing combined are by some people seen dogmatically as the only way to do software development. - JavaScript Days - Meet the experts Qafoo is happy to announce the three day JavaScript event taking place in Berlin from 25th - 27th September 2013. Presented by "entwickler akademie" (PHP-Summit) and supported by Qafoo it will be an amazing event fully packed with expert knowledge for all your JavaScript needs. - PHP Unconference: JavaScript-Workshop By now, JavaScript is an essential part of web development. Thus we thought that it makes sense to organize a JavaScript training close to the PHP Unconference in Hamburg this year. Read more about the details… - SymfonySummit: Impressions As the very first event of its kind, SymfonySummit took place on July 4th and 5th in Cologne. Experts from SensioLabs and Qafoo presented 6 practical workshops around high quality development of web applications on basis of Symfony2. To catch a bit of the spirit I iterviewed Claudia, one of the attendess who won a ticket for SymfonySummit on our blog. - Testing: Find the Sweet Spot How we need to craft architecture and design in order to significantly reduce the cost for tests. How to escape from the trap of the inner-platform antipattern, where we need to provide all infrastructure and business models with an ugly, mocked twin. Simply: How to efficiently write tests? And how to avoid that everyone hates them within 10 months, so that they would rather deactivate them instead of fixing them. - Ducks Do Not Type I consider public methods not originating from an abstract class or interface a code smell – at least when following class based object orientation design principles. Let me explain why…