Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Tobias Schlitt :Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:08:31 +0100 :Revision: 7 :Copyright: All rights reserved ========================= Released bepado Demo-Shop ========================= :Description: bepado is a distrbuted product-sharing- and checkout-platform we are developing with Shopware. Additionally to the SDK which was open source last week, we now released a demo-shop that shows the necessary integration steps in detail. :Keywords: bepado, shopware, three-phase commit, ecommerce :Abstract: bepado is a distrbuted product-sharing- and checkout-platform we are developing with Shopware. Additionally to the SDK which was open source last week, we now released a demo-shop that shows the necessary integration steps in detail. Last week, `the bepado SDK`__ was open-sourced and you can now use the SDK to connect your shop to `bepado`__, a distributed product-sharing- and checkout-platform we are developing with `Shopware`__. bepado is still in closed beta, but you can apply for an account if you want to give it a try and are a shop owner or software vendor from Europe. __ __ __ As presented in our talk on bepado's architecture on the `Shopware Community Day`__ last year, the distributed checkout is implemented with a three-phase commit between three parties: your shop, the remote shop that sells products and bepado. A safe implementation of this checkout requires deep integration into your shop's checkout process. __ That is why the primary goal of designing the SDK API was simplicity, since we suspect integration into the core checkout logic of any shopping system will not always be simple. To help you with the integration, we have developed a demo-shop-system that shows what steps are necessary and how to integrate the bepado SDK. By implementing a basket and checkout from scratch, the focus of the code is always on the integration with bepado. We have documented the different parts of the code to help you with your own implementation. You can find the bepado demo-shop `on Github`__ as well as `the SDK`__. If you want a test account to integrate your shop system into bepado you can write an email to and we can hook you up with the necessary details. __ __ Trackbacks ========== Comments ========