Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Kore Nordmann :Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 08:14:14 +0200 :Revision: 7 :Copyright: All rights reserved ============================== Slides: Behat & Beautiful APIs ============================== :Description: Last Wednesday I did a little talk marathon by first presenting a Webinar on Behavior Driven Development with Behat and afterwards going straight to Cologne for the Symfony Usergroup, where I spoke about Designing Beautiful APIs. Find the slides of my talks here. :Abstract: Last Wednesday I did a little talk marathon by first presenting a Webinar on Behavior Driven Development with Behat and afterwards going straight to Cologne for the Symfony Usergroup, where I spoke about Designing Beautiful APIs. Find the slides of my talks here. :Keywords: behavior driven development, bdd, behat, object oriented design, api, php, development, presentation Last Wednesday I did a little talk marathon by first presenting a `Webinar on Behavior Driven Development with Behat`__ and afterwards going straight to Cologne for the Symfony Usergroup, where I spoke about *Designing Beautiful APIs*. Find the slides of my talks here. __ /blog/042_webinar_bdd_behat.html BDD with Behat -------------- .. image:: /talks/13_05_webinar_bdd_behat_screen.png :target: /talks/13_05_webinar_bdd_behat.pdf :width: 150px :height: 112px :alt: Behavior Driven Development with Behat :align: left .. note:: Get a Qafoo expert on-site to `get your team started with Behavior Driven Development`__. __ /services/training/topics/behaviour_driven_development.html The software development process of Behavior Driven Development is gaining more and more attention in the PHP world. Based on Test Driven Development, this approach aims to create executable software specifications which are also human readable, especially for non-technical team members. In my Webinar, which Qafoo organized in cooperation with Zend, I introduced the general idea of a double feedback test cycle and the technical basis on how to realize acceptance tests with Behat. Although a webinar feels always kind of strange because direct feedback of the attendees is missing, I had the feeling that the presentation was well received. At least, the over 50 attendees stayed almost completely for the whole timeslot and quite some detailed questions occurred at the end. The recording of the webinar will be made available by Zend soon, I will keep you posted on our blog. You can already `download the slides`__ here. __ /talks/13_05_webinar_bdd_behat.pdf Designing Beautiful APIs ------------------------ .. image:: /talks/13_05_sfugcgn_beautiful_apis_screen.png :target: /talks/13_05_sfugcgn_beautiful_apis.pdf :width: 150px :height: 112px :alt: Designing Beautiful APIs :align: left Although not deeply related to the Symfony2 framework, I was invited to talk about designing object oriented programming interfaces `at the SFUGCGN`__, because that topic affects every PHP developer. I was a bit in a hurry because of the short time frame for travel, but still the talk went well. On the basis of a step-by-step refactoring from a really bad API I refined the code to be more expressive, extensible and adjustable. I really liked that my presentation spawned good discussions and that there was some nicely challenging feedback. In the end I actually missed my train back, but that was worth it. The slides of my talk are `available for download`__. __ __ /talks/13_05_sfugcgn_beautiful_apis.pdf .. Local Variables: mode: rst fill-column: 79 End: vim: et syn=rst tw=79 Trackbacks ========== Comments ========