Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Kore Nordmann :Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2016 11:44:49 +0200 :Revision: 5 :Copyright: All rights reserved ============================ PHP@FrOSCon 2011 CFP running ============================ :Description: PHP@FrOSCon is a community driven PHP event in scope of the Free and Open Source Conference in St. Augustin (near Bonn, Germany). The call for papers is currently open. :Keywords: php, conference, cfp, froscon, 2011, php@froscon, open source, event, speakers, sessions, tutorials, talks, php usergroup, community :Abstract: Yes, it's that time of the year again, where the *call for papers* for `PHP@FrOSCon`__ takes place. As in the past 5 instances of this amazing event, the PHP Usergroup Dortmund - in cooperation with other user groups e.g. from Cologne - will organize the `PHP@FrOSCon project room`__ with a dedicated session program. And it's time to `propose your talks`__ for this *now*, since the **CFP will end on May 23rd**. __ __ __ Yes, it's that time of the year again, where the *call for papers* for `PHP@FrOSCon`__ takes place. As in the past 5 instances of this amazing event, the PHP Usergroup Dortmund - in cooperation with other user groups e.g. from Cologne - will organize the `PHP@FrOSCon project room`__ with a dedicated session program. And it's time to `propose your talks`__ for this *now*, since the **CFP will end on May 23rd**. __ __ __ .. admonition:: Save the dates ============ ================================================= What? FrOSCon__ and `PHP@FrOSCon`__ Where? `St. Augustin (near Bonn), Germany`__ When? August 20./21. 2011 Why? It's such an amazing event! Talks? `Propose before May 23. 2011`__ ============ ================================================= __ __ __ __ .. note:: **Want to meet Qafoo?** Do so at `PHP@FrOSCon`__ or earlie, e.g. at *DPC* in Amsterdam or *IPC SE* in Berlin! Find out more in our `upcoming conference schedule`__. __ __ /blog/017_meet_us_at_a_place_near_you.html For those of you who have never been to FrOSCon__ (shame on you!): The *Free and Open Source Conference* is a two day open source event, taking place in August in St. Augusting (near Bonn, Germany), completely organized by the community without commercial interest. The conference consists of many parallel tracks of technical and non-technical talks on various open source topics. In addition to that, there is always a sub-conference about a dedicated topic (JavaScript this year) and different project rooms with hackathons, workshops or just for meeting people. Further more there is an exhibition of open source projects and companies. __ But for many attendees, the most important part is the amazing social event where you can meet a huge lot of nice geeks from various areas of open source. The environment here is always very cool, taking place outside with delicious barbecue, cheap beer and a bouncing castle! The `PHP@FrOSCon`__ project room is a cosy sub-event of FrOSCon, with a dedicated session track. We already had top-class PHP community members speaking here, like Derick Rethans, Johannes Schlüter, Sebastian Bergmann, Henry Bergius and many more. Beside the talks, you can come around here to meet fellow PHP developers, have interesting discussions or just hack a bit on your projects. And, not to forget, we have free coffee for all PHP guys and girls, sponsored by `Qafoo`__. :) __ __ So, if you want to come around FrOSCon and have something to say about PHP, please feel invited to `submit sessions to our call for papers`__! Don't be shy, if you never spoke on a conference before: FrOSCon is a very relaxed event and we *highly support newcomers*. Also, if you or your company feels capable of doing any kind of sponsoring, `please contact us`__! __ __ .. Local Variables: mode: rst fill-column: 79 End: vim: et syn=rst tw=79 Trackbacks ========== Comments ========