Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Kore Nordmann :Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2016 11:44:49 +0200 :Revision: 10 :Copyright: All rights reserved ===================== Struct classes in PHP ===================== :Keywords: php, object orientated, class, struct, array, programming, oop, ood :Description: Struct classes offer you type safe data transportation in PHP, in contrast to arrays used like hash maps. This practical blog entry shows you how and why. :Abstract: PHP arrays are a wonderful tool and one of the reasons I like PHP. Their versatility makes it possible to easily set up proof of concepts (POC), either used as hash maps storing multiple keys, or as lists, stacks, trees or whatever you like. But once you are past the phase of the initial POC, the excessive usage of arrays and exactly their versatility has some drawbacks: If you see an ``array`` type hint or return documentation, you know nearly nothing about the data structure. Using arrays as key-value hash maps for storing configuration keys or data sets you also know nearly nothing about the expected contents of the array. PHP arrays are a wonderful tool and one of the reasons I like PHP. Their versatility makes it possible to easily set up proof of concepts (POC), either used as hash maps storing multiple keys, or as lists, stacks, trees or whatever you like. But once you are past the phase of the initial POC, the excessive usage of arrays and exactly their versatility has some drawbacks: If you see an ``array`` type hint or return documentation, you know nearly nothing about the data structure. Using arrays as key-value hash maps for storing configuration keys or data sets you also know nearly nothing about the expected contents of the array. This is no problem during the initial implementation, but can become a problem during maintenance - it might not be trivial to find out what the array contains or is supposed to contain (without dumping it). There are no common ways to document such array structures nor you get auto-completion from common IDEs. If such a hash map is filled with data in different locations in your application it even gets worse. Also, mistyping a key - wether on read or write - creates a serious debugging hell. .. note:: Want to `learn professional PHP development`__? Qafoo experts provide you with a highly customized, practical training! __ /services/training.html In Apache Zeta Components and in several of my own projects we are using - so called - struct classes to solve this issue: The struct classes do not define any methods but just contain documented properties. They just deal as a data container, similar to a hash map. There are several benefits and one drawback using this approach. The benefits: - Struct classes are far easier to document - Your IDE can provide you with correct auto-completion - Your IDE even knows the type of each child in a struct allowing you to create and process deeply nested structures correctly - You can be sure which properties a passed struct has - no need to check the availability of each property on access - Structs can throw exceptions access to non-existent properties The drawback: - The structs are objects, which means they are passed by reference. This can be an issue if you are operating on those structs. I will show an example later. Implementation ============== To see what I am talking about let's take a look at a example base class for structs:: city = $city; $this->country = $country; } } The ``LocationStruct`` has two documented, public properties. Each one, of course, could be a struct again. If the ``LocationStruct`` is used as a type hint somewhere in your application or library you now know exactly what data is expected and can create a it comfortable, supported by your favorite IDE. The definition of a constructor is really helpful to easily create new struct instances. .. note:: Need help with your PHP application's OO design? Qafoo provides you with `expert on-site consulting on`__! __ /services/consulting.html Extending the base struct ------------------------- There are some sensible extension you probably want to use for the base struct: As mentioned before the structs are passed by reference, which is not always what you want. You therefore probably want to implement ``__clone()`` in a sensible way, generically for all your structs:: $value ) { if ( is_object( $value ) ) { $this->$property = clone $value; } } } } Another functionality you might want to implement, and a good use case of `late static binding`__ (LSB) in PHP 5.3, is the ``__set_state()`` method, so you can export your struct using ``var_export()`` just like arrays:: $value ) { $this->$property = $value; } return $struct; } } __ If you are using ``__set_state()`` to ex- and import structs in your application, this is a good reason to define sensible default values for all constructor arguments. Copy on write ============= As mentioned before, one problem with this usage of struct classes is that they are always passed by reference. It is not entirely obvious why this would be a problem, but it already caught me some times, so here is a example. In the `Graph component from the Apache Zeta Components`__ we, for example, use a struct class to represent coordinates (``ezcGraphCoordinate``). Obviously there are quite some calculations to perform when rendering (beautiful) charts. __ Now imagine you want to draw a set of circles at increasing offsets:: $offset = new ezcGraphCoordinate( 42, 23 ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $shapeCount; ++$i ) { $driver->drawCircle( $coordinate, 10 ); $offset->x += 15; } The ``drawCircle()`` method now might perform additional calculation on the passed coordinate, for example, because the currently used driver does not use the center point, but the top left edge of the circle as a drawing offset. In this case the method might internally modify the coordinate and thus the offset in the shown loop would also be modified. Hopefully you got tests for this in place and therefor add a ``$offset = clone $offset`` in the ``drawCircle()`` method. This hit me **very** seldomly until now, but it might be an issue you should be aware of when using struct classes. Summary ======= Even requiring slightly more work when writing software, the benefit of struct classes during the maintenance phase of projects makes them a true winner - in my personal opinion. For POCs I tend to still use arrays for structs, but once the software reaches production quality I tend to convert array structs into struct classes since some time in the software I write / maintain. In C#, for example, such struct classes are a language element and differ from common object exactly in the copy-on-write vs. pass-by-reference behaviour mentioned in this post. I would love to see that in PHP but my knowledge of the Zend Engine is limited and maybe I should bribe a more experienced PHP internals developer… Final note ---------- There are other ways to implement struct classes, like using a properties array instead of public properties, which enable you to perform type checks on property write access. Those might be discussed in another blog post but would exceed the purpose of this blog post. .. Local Variables: mode: rst fill-column: 79 End: vim: et syn=rst tw=79 Trackbacks ========== Comments ======== - sokzzuka at Mon, 24 Jan 2011 16:07:08 +0100 There is also another name for "struct classes" -> value objects. They are a good known construct in Domain Driven Design methodology. It think it could be a good addition to the language if someone would implement it. - Johannes at Mon, 24 Jan 2011 17:24:55 +0100 The article mentions just a single draw-back - the fact that objects are reference not value types. There are a few more: - An object requires more space (zval + object in object storage + class entry (once for all objects of that class) + object itself + HashTable w/ properties) compared to an array (zval + HashTable) - Accessing elements takes a bit more time (fetch the object from the object storage and call the get_property handler before doing the actual hash lookup) In almost all cases this can be neglected but on a heavily loaded system, when having lots of these it might have an tiny impact. ;-) - sokzzuka at Mon, 24 Jan 2011 20:27:04 +0100 @johannes - it may have an impact, but does one use objects everywhere when critical performance is needed ? I think no. You use classes and objects when you favor readability and maintainability over performance... - Valentino Aluigi at Tue, 25 Jan 2011 00:18:04 +0100 I usually prefer to simply create a real class, with getters and setters automatically generated by the IDE. Avoiding too much magic is good for clarity and performance. You have now a class that may in the future start to attract proper behavior, with real methods. class Location { /** @var string */ protected $city; /** @var string */ protected $country; public function __construct($city = null, $country = null) { $this->setCity($city); $this->setCountry($country); } /** * @return string */ public function getCity() { return $this->city; } /** * @param string */ public function setCity($city = null) { $this->city = $city; } /** * @return string */ public function getCountry() { return $this->country; } /** * @param string */ public function setCountry($country = null) { $this->country = $country; } } - mario at Tue, 25 Jan 2011 00:32:11 +0100 I think this can implemented more usefully atop ArrayObject. The attribute handlers getOffset and setOffset operate identically to __get and __set, but provide array syntax in addition. Yet autocompletion driven development can still be facilitated. - Larry Garfield at Tue, 25 Jan 2011 08:34:02 +0100 ArrayObject is cool, but it uses ArrayAccess. ArrayAccess is substantially slower than just a property access since it involves multiple method calls. Another advantage here is that you get automatic default value handling for your structs. Arrays don't get that. What you don't get is the easy nesting that arrays give you. I'm not sure how you'd emulate that exactly. - marcvangend at Tue, 25 Jan 2011 11:13:11 +0100 I can see how this would work for custom applications with a limited number of developers, but how about a modular open source platform like Drupal, with many independent developers who extend each other's work? As a Drupal developer I often need to add my own property=>value pairs to arrays. To me, silently creating public properties is an important feature. - Matt Farina at Tue, 25 Jan 2011 15:31:10 +0100 @marcvangend Drupals arrays are a point of debugging hell. Many of the advantages talked about here will help a system like Drupal. But, you are right about the extensibility. For something like the Form Arrays in Drupal instead of trying to use structs a different system would replace it. That is not really a place for struct like structures but something else. - Larry Garfield at Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:56:48 +0100 Actually, FAPI is a place where struct classes could help. A "textarea" array-struct in Drupal has a limited number of properties that mean anything. Adding other properties to it will get ignored. Using a struct class there would make FAPI much more self documenting. FAPI is admittedly an odd edge case, but it's far from our only use of undocumented arrays. What PHP is really missing to make this work even better is object literals. We have array literals. Javascript has both object and array literals. But PHP has no object literals. Something shorter than (object)array('a' => 'b') or new Foo(array('a' => 'b')) would make struct-like classes much much easier to use. - sun at Tue, 25 Jan 2011 20:53:59 +0100 This concept is interesting, but doesn't work for most of arrays in Drupal. Taking up the aforementioned Form API example, we're (again) missing the problem space of Drupal's modularity. A struct of a certain type has to be extensible by 1-n modules. If you disregard and ignore that requirement, then you kill Drupal. - Larry Garfield at Wed, 26 Jan 2011 02:14:01 +0100 I don't see how it's incompatible. As noted above, there are a known, fixed set of properties that a "textarea" or "select" FAPI element cares about. Anything else is ignored. You could easily pass a struct object through an alter hook, too. And you then get the benefit of much more readable, documentable code. It also means that if you typo a property name you get a fatal error immediately rather than spending 4 hours digging through the rendering system to find it. (Not that I've ever done that, no...) Even if FAPI is not the best use case for struct objects, I'm sure there are other places it could be considered. To the author: Sorry about the Drupal chatter. We just find the idea intriguing. :-) - gggeek at Wed, 26 Jan 2011 13:33:08 +0100 In the op constructor example, if both arguments are optional, why not just take an array as single parameter instead and copy into the object's properties the values found in it? The IDEs can still do autocompletion and insight based on the fact that you define the struct elements as class members. About __set_state: could the loop be reduced to return (object) $array; - Kore at Wed, 26 Jan 2011 15:45:03 +0100 @LarryGarfield: I don't mind the Drupel discussion. In fact I find it nice that this inspired you to think about better maintainability of Drupal. :) @gggeek: Passed arrays to constructors are not properly to document and you again loose all benefits IDEs can provide you with, like automatic chacking and maybe some kind of autocompletion. The type hind again would not tell you anything. "return (object) $array;" would also not work since this would return an object of the class "StdClass" and not of our own type. This would be meaningless. But: This is only one possible implementation of struct classes - there are other sensible ways to do this. The principle behind this is far more important than the concrete implementation. - Don Zampano at Wed, 09 Mar 2011 22:56:25 +0100 Please, please, please... Stop having null-initialized arguments in constructors and furthermore stop accepting null as argument and returning null at all. What kind of alien object is this: new Location(null, null) ? A NullLocation, Atlantis or simply an invalid newed object? @Kore The kind of object you describe here is nothing but a classical DTO. I don't see any other benefit in your approach. - Dave at Mon, 09 May 2011 10:29:43 +0200 think for this article, I totally agree with you and change multi arrays to struct. with adding methods to manage its properties it become more powerful and clear for "complex" datas your tip to have error when property doesn't exist is very useful! :) - abimanyuarjun at Wed, 10 Jan 2018 06:46:10 +0100 use full article! beginners can easily understand php object oriented concepts especially Php Structure Classes and usage array attributes in Php programming sure i will have to implement my projects so i can easy grab functional module thanks a lot. - Barath BK at Tue, 20 Mar 2018 11:22:54 +0100 Amazing, Thanks for a great post and its very helpful to all... - Barath BK at Tue, 20 Mar 2018 13:55:38 +0100 Its very worth able information for me. i have spending time to read your post. Its very valuable time and i learnt lot of new information from your post. keep sharing... - jsiuw at Wed, 18 Apr 2018 09:00:31 +0200 thanks for the sit