Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Kore Nordmann :Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2016 11:44:49 +0200 :Revision: 8 :Copyright: All rights reserved ============================ Why software quality matters ============================ :Description: To illustrate why software quality matters in PHP based development projects, Qafoo has made up a software quality white paper. :Abstract: It is not always obvious why software quality matters in any development project. Especially in the PHP area, where projects are often won by pitching with short development time and low cost, people don't see the benefits of quality assurance action for their projects. We have therefore made up a white paper explaining the `benefits of software quality`__ for your company and how quality assurance can influence important business goals of development projects. __ /whitepaper.html It is not always obvious why software quality matters in any development project. Especially in the PHP area, where projects are often won by pitching with short development time and low cost, people don't see the benefits of quality assurance action for their projects. We have therefore made up a white paper explaining the `benefits of software quality`__ for your company and how quality assurance can influence important business goals of development projects. __ /whitepaper.html .. image:: /images/whitepaper/stairways_to_quality.png :width: 500 :height: 225 :alt: Stairways to quality :align: center :target: /whitepaper.html .. note:: Want to discuss software quality in your projects? `Contact us directly`__! __ /contact.html **We would be happy to receive feedback** on our elaboration and how you see the effects of software quality in your development projects? Do you share our views? Do you miss essential points in the white paper? Do you have quality assurance processes implemented in your projects or don't you care? Did you recently start caring for software quality actively and experienced benefits or drawbacks from it? .. Local Variables: mode: rst fill-column: 79 End: vim: et syn=rst tw=79 Trackbacks ========== Comments ========